This section provides a brief in-sight into the MIB QCDC systems specifically developed for Disconnectable Turret Moored or Dynamically Positioned FPSO or FSO installations.
The company has used its expereince and expertise of over 50 years in the Connector and Safety Systems business to develop these unique, customised solutions.
They allow the use of such vessels in either remote or extreme environmental areas, now being exploited by the major oil and gas companies worldwide.
The systems, whether supplied as individual or multiple line configurations offer compact, high pressure, integrated valving together with the QCDC mechanism to release the turret of the vessel in an minimum of time, as well as allowing quick and easy reconnection after the event.
We can also offer connectors designed to be the structural interface bewteen the Turret Buoy and the FPSO hull, additionally withstanding the mooring lines loads.