Maritime Hydrogen and Marine Energy Conference

Maritime Hydrogen and Marine Energy Conference 14/15 Oct 2020

5th International Conference on Maritime Hydrogen and Marine Energy
Making Green Waves – Solutions for the Future
14 – 15 October Florø, Norway
Join us at maritimehydrogen.no

“The conference brings together world-leading players in the fields of maritime hydrogen technology and marine renewable energy. To ensure further development and future value creation, it is crucial to gather representatives from all corners of the industry: business, R&D, academia, finance and public enterprises. Through knowledge sharing and working together, we will all contribute to solving technological challenges that will reduce global CO2 from maritime transport and help to deliver stable, sustainable and clean energy supply to island communities and coastal regions around the world. The conference is hosted by the national hydrogen cluster Arena Ocean Hyway Cluster and GCE Ocean Technology. The Research Council of Norway supports the conference.”

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