International LNG Congress

International LNG Congress

International LNG Congress

BGS On line platform

7/8 June 2021

International LNG Congress is one of the most intent Liquefied Natural Gas events in Europe. It is the annual Congress covering the hot topics of the LNG industry – from liquefaction and LNG Storage and Transportation to the questions of LNG usage as a fuel, developing LNG infrastructure and LNG to end users.

International LNG Congress is designed to those who are involved in the industry or do their first steps in LNG market, for those who are ready to share their views and learn new expertise, for those who know their business goals and are ready to achieve them though LNG Congress platform. Here gather the participants from the whole LNG chain:  Gas Majors, EPCs, Local Gas Companies, LNG Shipping, Truck and Fleet owners, Terminals and Ports, Equipment manufacturers and Service Providers – to network, build strong partnerships, find new leads and close deals, to influence the future development.

For more info look at LNG Congress web page

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