A New Approach to LNG Bunkering

LNG Industry October 2019 Issue MIB Press release

Silvia Saggiori and Filippo Visentini, MIB Italiana S.p.A., Italy, outline an alternative approach to LNG bunkering transfer systems.

“Emphasis on the environment, human safety and protection are all increasingly under the spotlight, and hydrocarbon fossil fuel emissions, whether from river,coastal or ocean-going vessels, continue to be a hot topic ofdiscussion for the shipping world. In 2005, the IMO introduced regulations to drastically limit the level of pollutants, where by 2020 sulfur limits would be reduced to a maximum of 0.5% from the current 3.5% m/m (mass by mass). As a direct consequence attention has turned and we are now seeing see petroleum fuels being substituted by much cleaner natural alternatives. This transition is rapidly gaining speed with many newbuild and conversion projects all overthe world. This growing demand for natural gas fuel and the bunkering operations involved has seen an equally dramatic increase in the market for enhanced safe and reliable transfer solutions for crew, vessel and environmental protection”.

If you want to learn more about MIB Solutions for LNG Transfer contact us @ sales@mibitaliana.it

Article from LNG Industry October 2019 Issue

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