MIB Italiana




From its inception in Casalserugo, Padova, in 1969, MIB rapidly evolved as the leading supplier of customized connectors and safety solutions for the International Oil and Gas market.

This industry now extends to all regions of the World. Whether it is a small terminal handling fuel oils in an existing port complex, or the remote and harshest of offshore artic locations where transferring liquefied natural gas, MIB has solutions available to meet the application.

MIB always kept pace with the ever increasing and rigorous demands of the industry. A balance of field proven design solutions and innovative developments has led MIB to the forefront of the industry.

These developments have been a result of close and continuous liaison with Major Energy Companies, Vessel Owners and Operators as well as strict compliance with national and international codes and standards.

As supplier of crucial safety systems, both onshore and offshore, at ambient and cryogenic temperatures and high and low pressures, MIB recognizes there is no room for any compromise in design, quality, testing and ultimately in service.


The loading and unloading of petrochemicals, oil products and liquefied or high pressure gases is dangerous and hazardous.

In addition, terminal’s personnel and ship’s crews are often under pressure to minimize tanker berth turnaround of time, whilst constantly addressing the numerous safety issues concerning their assets and the environment, as well as safeguarding themselves.

This is where MIB plays a key role in such operations: providing speedy connection and disconnection and safe emergency release of the transfer systems, to enhance the performance of these activities while maintaining the highest level of safety.

MIB protects its Customers personnel and assets as well as everyone’s environment.

mib italiana history 2019-mib celebrates its 50th anniversary

Watch our celebratory video

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MIB Italiana production in the world


For over fifty years MIB has been providing to the oil and gas industries connectors and valved solutions to enhance the safety and protection of terminals, vessels, the environment and personnel during the loading and unloading of the full range of hydrocarbons, chemicals, flammable and volatile fluids and liquified gases.

In this critical sector where equipment design, reliability and quality must be absolutely paramount, credibility and a dynamic approach that has always distinguished MIB, together with an efficient quality system in force since 1987 (ISO 9001 since 1993), have led the company to develop solutions with unique performance, in which the practical approach has never compromised.

To date, the company can proudly boast the supply of more than 4000 safety systems spread over more than 100 countries worldwide.

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e-mail: info@mibitaliana.it

MIB International Limited c/o Dafferns LLP
Ph. +44 (0) 24 76225202
Fax +44 (0) 24 76221752
e-mail: sales@mibitaliana.it
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